22nd May – 4th June
An earlier than expected heatwave coupled to a complete lack of rain has made things a little tougher than we would expect at this time of year. Perhaps the only redeeming factor is that what little wind there is, is still predominantly coming from the east and this is bringing cooler air which offers some respite from the sun.
Fish can be seen in all areas of the loch and they are clearly feeding on top of the water on the many forms of insect life that abound at the moment. Seeing the fish is one thing though, but catching them on top is a completely different affair. People who are having the most success are ignoring the obvious rises and are employing deeper water tactics. DI 5’s and 7s are being used to good effect fished over the deeper areas and pulling a range of lures the best of which seem to be apps bloodworm or a form of popper minkie (that’s the best way I can describe it)
If you are prepared to use these methods then it’s highly likely that you will encounter some of the much bigger fish that are lying in deeper water. Browns of up to 12lbs and rainbows not much smaller are regularly being reported but as we said in our last report anglers need to use appropriate tackle if these are to be landed successfully. We recommend nothing less than 6lb breaking strain for your leaders and even better would be 8lbs plus. It’s also incredibly important to keep the fish in the net and in the water, particularly after a hard scrap. Make sure that it’s fully revived before releasing and of course, barbless hooks are a must if catch and releasing.
Whilst it might sound that these are the only tactics that are working, this is not entirely the case. Lots of fish are being taken off the top using a range of dries the best of which have been, foam daddy (black and tan), black foam beetle, Griffiths gnat, sedge patterns. The best of the dry fly action has been during the mornings and in the evenings when the sun has been less strong.
We held our annual members bank competition for members on Saturday 3rd June. Light easterly winds and bright sunshine lasted all day and so the pegs were marked out on the eastern side of the loch. The fishing was tough but the event went without a hitch and everyone enjoyed their day, including the bacon rolls at lunch time which always seem to have a way of lifting people’s spirits.
The top three rods are listed below:
1st Place – Robbie Bell
2nd Place – John Dow
3rd Place – Paul Thomson
Each of the top three places received vouchers for Fishers of Penicuik and once again we would like to thank Mike Wilson for enhancing the prize fund and supporting the event.
Whilst we are on the subject of Fishers of Penicuik, a quick reminder that they we be here on Sunday 25th June form 10am until 2pm. Mike will be here with a team of people to offer tackle at one – off prices and to give people a chance to try out equipment. There will also be people on hand to offer casting advise as well as demoing the latest equipment. The event is open to all to attend and is free entry, so why not come along and speak to the experts and grab yourselves a bargain. There will also be tea, coffee and bacon rolls for sale.
Other news:
- Apart from the very top end of the loch, all areas remain clear of weed and are fishable. Care needs to be employed if motoring in the vicinity of the reed bed at the top end.
- We will once again be holding our annual charity day at the end of September in aid of St Abbs Independent Lifeboat and ask that if anyone would like to donate raffle prizes they would be gratefully received.
Visiting Clubs:
During the next two weeks we will be hosting the following clubs:
Saturday 10th June – Heriots FFC and Derbyshire County AC
Saturday 17th – Northumbria Police AC and Railway Inn FFC
Let’s hope for great conditions and equally great fishing.
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