Loch Report 31st March – 17th April 2022
Youth Day:
Without doubt, the highlight of the last couple of weeks has been the youth day competition held on Monday 11th April. At one point, it looked as though we were going to have to cancel the day due to the lack of numbers. However, a reminder to members through the usual update system provoked a fantastic response. So much so that a reserve list had to be formed. Many thanks to everyone that supported this worthwhile and enjoyable day.
The day itself ran extremely smoothly despite the less than favourable weather conditions. Morning activities included, Introduction to fly fishing, quiz, fly tying, pond dipping and casting tuition. Lunch was bacon buns and sweet stuff and the afternoon was the competition itself. Due to the strong, cold wind we decided to shorten the session to 3 hours instead of four but nonetheless everyone completed the whole duration and everyone either caught, lost or missed fish. Given the conditions, it’s fair to say that everyone gave an extremely good account of themselves and well done to everyone that competed and helped out.
1st Place and Coldingham Loch Youth Champion 2022 – Stuart Borthwick
2nd Place – Owen Palmer
3rd Place – Ryan Allan
Under 11’s prize awarded to – Joseph Algie
Once again, a big thank you goes out to Robbie Bell for organising the day and for delivering a varied and engaging programme. Not an easy job when you consider that some of the youngsters had never picked up a rod before whilst others were already quite accomplished. We would also like to thank all of those willing volunteers that helped to support the day in many different ways. Without their help the event would not be possible. Finally, a thank you to those that donated prizes for the day …. Much appreciated.
We are already planning for the 2023 Youth Day so please keep a look out for details when they are released and do your best to support this very worthwhile and important event in which ever way you can.
Over the last couple of weeks we have seen a vast improvement to the water quality of the loch. The algal bloom which came as a result of the large amount of debris that storm Arwen deposited into the water (coupled with a mild winter) has almost completely cleared. Weather conditions have been somewhat up and down but the fishing / catching has remained good. People who are exploring the loch and not just fishing in one area are reporting catching fish in all areas. The best method has undoubtedly been slow sink tip line or midge tip with either a Fab or Apps worm on the point and a couple of diawl bachs on the droppers …. Fished using a slow figure of eight retrieve. Dries are also now coming in to their own which is to be expected at this time of the year. Small and black seems to be the best choice of dry at the moment. Not surprising given the number of bibios around the loch.
Boat and bank are both fishing very well indeed and with access vastly improved around the bank it’s well worth putting the waders on and going for a walk.
Club News:
The following clubs will be visiting the loch over the next two weeks:
Sunday 24th April – Leith FFC and BDAA
Saturday 30th April – Northumbria Police and Ladhope FFC
As always, we extend a very warm welcome to them.
Other News:
- We are keeping a close eye out for the arrival of the first martins and swallows which usually happens any day now. It’s always exciting to see them return as we always feel that it heralds the start of spring and an explosion in insect life. Unfortunately for them, there is no longer a boat shed for them to nest in and many of the other out buildings are damaged, but hopefully they’ll find alternative accommodation somewhere on site.
- The pea gravel banking seems to be working really well as an alternative to not having the luxury of a boat shed. People fishing from a boat are reminded that wellies are advised for launching.
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