3rd – 17th Oct 2021 Loch Report
It seems that we have finally turned the corner following a longer than usual summer. Fishing over this last two weeks has been more like what we would be expecting for this time of year with good numbers now being caught each day. Boat and bank are fishing equally well and the fish are very evenly spread out in all areas of the loch.
Water temperature and clarity remain very good and the fish are once again fighting hard due to the more comfortable conditions for them.
Not surprisingly, the fish are freely taking dry flies but can also be tempted around the margins with a combination of lures such as minkie, skunk, apps worms and cats whisker.
Floating and midge tip lines remain the best lines to start the day with, changing as necessary to match the conditions. Speed and method of retrieve is also worth considering and altering throughout the day.
We held our annual Coldingham Loch Cup Competition last Sunday and with a full turn-out of boats, good weather forecasted for the day and the usual bacon rolls for lunch, it felt good to be getting back to something like normal.
Once again the prize money for the day was supplemented by Mike Wilson, owner of Fishers in Penicuik and our thanks go to him again for his generosity and support. Mike’s on-line shop can be found at: https://www.fishersdirect.com or why not do it the old way and take a trip out.
Fishing was generally best during the morning session with good numbers being landed by most anglers and the first fish being landed by Robbie Bell after just two minutes. The afternoon was a little trickier but there was still a steady flow of fish for some people.
The results are as follow:
1st Place and this year’s winner – Ken Wood
2nd Place – Robbie Bell
3rd Place – Neil Keillor
Our congratulations go to our top three and our thanks to everyone that took part. Particularly well done to Ken Wood on his victory this year.
We will be holding the competition again next year with priority for places going to our members. If there is sufficient interest next year we will hold heats first, followed by a final. We will also be holding an equivalent bank competition earlier in the year, next year, so please look out for the dates and announcements.
Membership 2022
We are now accepting expressions of interest for new members for next year and will very soon be in touch with our existing members regarding their continued membership for next season.
We have already had a very encouraging response from new people interested in becoming members next year. We will once again, be setting an upper limit of 100 with a waiting list being established thereafter.
Feedback form the people who joined this year has been very positive, stating that they have enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere, excellent quality fish and the chance to meet and fish with new people. The bookings have gone exceptionally well and we now know that the bank will always have lots of spaces available and that we have managed to accommodate everyone who has wanted a boat booking. This reassures us to know that we have set our numbers just about right.
There will be no changes to prices for next year, hence:
Full Membership – £495
Bank Only – £425
Industry Concession – £250
Junior Membership – £160
Please Note: We are introducing a new category of membership for next year which we are calling A Country Membership. This will be open for people who live in excess of 90 miles from the loch based on post code.
The fee for Country Membership will be £100 and they will also pay a flat rate of £20 per visit.
More details for 2022 Membership can be found in the Terms & Conditions.
Visiting Clubs:
Club days over the next two weeks are:
Sunday 24th October – Black Bull FFC
Saturday 30th October – Ashington Kingfishers
We look forward to seeing them at the loch and hope they have a good day.
Other News:
- Please note the last day of the 2021 season will be Tuesday 30th November
Please see gallery below for photos from this last period including the Coldingham Cup 2021
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