23rd August 2021 – 5th Sep 2021
This report will be a similar read to the last one, in that we keep thinking as we get a few cooler days and a small smatter of rain, that the fishing is turning a corner…..then the warmth returns and fish continue to be inconsistent in their feeding behaviour.
These last few days has seen some slightly damper weather and we have noticed a few more daddies flying about which is always a welcome sight. Although the loch itself could do with some proper rain, and quite a few days of it, we hope that some may be on its way soon.
Some people are catching fish and having good days in terms of numbers of fish caught and landing 9 or 10 to the boat and then coming a day or two later and only managing 2 or 3. The comment is that there are plenty of fish to be seen but they continue to be highly selective in the flies they are interested in. Holiday guests continue to enjoy the challenge and the peace and quiet of being out on the loch.
Swing Gate Bay and The Narrows continue to hold plenty of fish and probably have seen the most action in terms of fish landed in the last few days.
Floating and midge tip lines are still the best choice for most occasions. Fly patterns are still very mixed – flat daddy (see Les Lockey fly of the month for Sep in these lcoh reports), daddies, hoppers, Shipman’s buzzers, foam beetles, Griffiths gnat, whilst buzzers and diawl bachs fished from a washing line are sometimes getting good results.
Below the surface, damsels, black and silver pennels and apps blood worms are perhaps the ones that are still worth a shot.
Thanks again to Deepa Churm for taking photographs during their recent stay in August which can be seen in the gallery below. Also thanks to George and Oliver Russell for sending in their photos of Oliver’s first day at the loch in the summer holidays – it’s great to see the young ones out there enjoying it all.
Robbie’s Blog:
Autumn Fishing.
Often some of the best of the Season.
As the nights get longer and the Daytime highs are generally lower and shorter lived the Loch will start to get cooler.
The optimum feeding temperature for Rainbow Trout is 11 to 18 Centigrade.
That is approximately 52 to 64 in old money.
Brown Trout are similar.
This together with a reduction in the food available makes the Trout less fussy.
The days of the trout inspecting your fly and then just turning away should begin to decrease.
Takes to Dry Flies should be much more positive.
Nymphs with a hot spot or two should work.
The FTA retrieve often comes into its own at this time of year.
Then there is the Lures.
There will be Fry in the margins and often a lure with white in it can work.
Something like a Cats Whisker with bead chain eyes fished on a floater with a sink and draw retrieve can be good.
Of course some of thew usual tactics need to be observed.
Don’t stay in the same spot too long if you are not catching.
If you are out with a partner, make sure you start on different methods and work as a team.
I would suggest one angler on a floater with a washing line.
That could be quickly changed to dries if it did not work.
The other could start on an intermediate and lures then perhaps change to a Di 5 if required.
Mixing the tactics together with regular moves should eventually come good.
Or you may get it right from the start. 😊
I often find at this time of year it is more about getting the method right and provided your flies are reasonable for that particular style you don’t have to worry about them too much.
I believe the Right Fly Badly Presented will not catch.
However the Wrong fly Well Presented will catch.
Time to cash in after the Summer Struggles? 😊
Robbie Bell
Other news:
- Our annual Charity Day is now full and participants have been sent the details. If you have not had an email from us re this and believe you have a booking for it then please get in touch straightaway, thanks.
- A reminder that expressions of interest for new members are now being taken for next year. Anyone who is interested should contact Carmel or myself here at the loch
Visiting Clubs: Club days over the next two weeks are as follow:
Mayfly AC
Ladhope AC
As always we look forward to hosting them and hope that they all have enjoyable and productive fishing days on their visits.
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