5th – 18th September 2022
It feels like autumn has arrived and with it some cooler temperatures, particularly in the evenings. This can only be good for the fishing and this has certainly been reflected in the returns on some of the days. I say some of the days, because things are still a little hit and miss with one day fishing particularly well and then the next not as prolific.
Dries have still proved to be the best choice of flies – daddies, flat daddies, hoppers and CDC’s still being the most successful choices. However, buzzers and diawl bachs, particularly in Swing Gate Bay, have at times, been superb.
On one particular day, two guest beginners also had a rather good morning, landing 9 fish using a long leader on a floating line with a single sunburst FAB. It may have helped having James Gardiner as their ghillie but that aside, it was a memorable few hours for them.
We are using the aerator less and less at the moment, with the stronger winds helping to move the water around at this time of year. Fish remain well distributed in most parts of the loch but it is fair to say that the loch is fishing best from the narrows down to the south shore. Boat and bank continue to be pretty evenly matched and we expect that it won’t be too long before the fish start to turn their attentions to the multitude of perch and stickleback fry, around the margins of the loch. Perhaps therefore it’s time to start thinking about the ‘fluff box’ and the various fry patterns that occupy it?
Other News:
- Charity Day: We will once again be holding our charity day on the last Sunday of September ( 25th Sept). As always, we will holding our raffle and once again we have some extremely good prizes to be won. Rods, fly boxes, booze and the usual goodies from St. Abbs Lifeboat to mention but a few. If anyone would like to purchase raffle tickets in advance of the day please ring us at the loch, 018907 71960 and we can arrange the tickets in your name. Conversely, if you are coming to fish in the next week or so, just ask for tickets whilst you are here.
- The Coldingham Cup Boat Competition: This is being held on Sunday 16th October and there is just one place left to fill. Entry for this competition is now also open to non- members and so if you are interested in taking the last remaining place please phone us asap to reserve your slot. Entry to the competition is £20, with vouchers prizes for Fishers of Penicuik for the first three places and bacon rolls included for everyone at lunch time. The winner will hold the cup for the next twelve months alongside getting their name on the honours board in the fishing lodge.
- Fishing Reports: It’s our usual request for anyone who fishes here to send in a brief summary of their fishing trip. However brief the account might be it is very well received by other anglers who might be looking for a few pointers as to where. and how to fish the loch. So please keep the reports coming if you can, they are very much appreciated.
Visiting Clubs:
Over the next two weeks the following days are as follow:
- Saturday 25th – Mayfly AC and Border Bears AC.
- Thursday 29th – Breadalbane AC and Leith FFC
We wish them a warm welcome to the loch and hope for tight lines for everyone.
Fishing reports from anglers over the last two weeks:
13 fish caught over 4 sessions, caught on daddies fished wet and cdc buzzers off the top. One between 6-8 pound mark, all in lovely condition. All returned……. Barrie Mullen 9/9/22 (holiday guest)
Fishing Report by Les Lockey
4th – 7th September
Over the 4 days the weather alternated between warm, muggy, misty days with the odd light rain shower and light winds to bright, sunny, cool days with stronger winds, and it became very obvious that on the sunny days the fish were much less inclined to rise to the surface, while on the overcast days the loch seemed alive with rising fish. That is not to say the fishing was easy. There were lots of inspections, half- hearted offers, tentative takes and quite a few fish hooked that somehow managed to shed the hook, but there was usually always something happening to keep things interesting.
With the wind blowing out of Swing Gate Bay most of the week, I found the best tactic was to drift across the main basin over the deeper water fishing a floating line with a tan flat daddy on the point and a yellow owl cdc shuttlecock on the dropper which originally was to act as a sighter for hard to spot daddy sitting right in the surface film, but it took its fair share of fish too. In fact, the flies were so successful that I hardly changed patterns for the whole four days.
Sunday was a real red- letter day. Fish were everywhere and willing to hit the dries with gusto, so much so, that I only fished a 4 hour session having landed 20 fish with several others lost before the net. Over the next 3 days I landed another 32 fish with probably half as may again opting for a long line release. What was really pleasing, and quite surprising given the recent long spell of hot dry weather, was the superb fighting quality of the fish. They really do fight well above their weight and are a credit to the fishery.
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