Pre Season Report
Not long to go now before the start of the season and preparations are well under way.
As you can see from the photos it looks like it should be opening day today!! Loch completely frozen but at least the foxes are happy. Let’s hope that the weather gets it all out of its system before the 13th March and that we are graced by some good weather for the opening weekend for all our new members.
It’s an exciting time for us as we move into our new way of operating and we look forward to greeting all our new members and their guests and our holiday guests over the coming season.
Clubs have taken full advantage of the day per week that is open to them and all but three weeks of next year now have a club booking in them and some are even now booking for the 2022 season. Well done to you all.
As always we are carrying forward a very good head of fish from our previous season(s) and we hope that these over-wintered fish will give there usual outstanding account of themselves once the fishing begins. We are also about to start our stocking for the new season, meaning that the fish will have ample time to acclimatise to their new surroundings and become well dispersed around the loch.
It is looking highly unlikely that we will be able to open the Fishing Hut as the necessity to “keep our distance” still looms large but as we managed for practically the whole of last season without it, we cannot really see a problem. Have no fear though as the toilet will still be open for emergencies!!
Water levels remain at an all time high and when the snow melts we can expect even greater things. I managed to clear the outlet with the digger over the winter and despite it running at full bore the amount coming in is still greater than the amount going out ……… always better this way though, than not having enough.
As a consequence of the levels being so high, portions of the bank are under water but from past experience we know that once things settle down, these areas will recover quickly.
Our new barrier is now fully installed at the top of the driveway down to the loch. Members and holiday guests will have a code for access and on club days the barrier will remain open so that all club members have unhindered access on the days that they are here.
Here’s looking forward to a cracking new season.
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